Monday, April 19, 2010

A Patriot Takes the Stage Once More

Last night I learned that I’ve been cast as Gooper in a community theatre production of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. The production will be preformed at The Strawberry Playhouse in Tuscarora, PA. I have high hopes for this play as the talent level of my fellow performers has consistently exceeded audience expectations. I can only hope to rise to this high level of tradecraft.
Since college, theatre has held a special place in my heart. The art of acting incorporates a vast array of human conditions and challenges those willing to act to delve deep in the places within us that are just not spoken about. Through working a character one learns more about one’s self and gains greater insight into his fellow man. By boiling down fleeting emotions and reactions into their purest form, audiences can take something away from each character that they can then use in their own lives. Unlike television, movies, and even larger plays, community theatre gives people unparalleled access to the material presented and the actors creating it. In this way, a community theatre production can change the way we look at everything within and without.
As much as I’m sure the theater owner would love everyone reading this to travel out to tiny little Tuscarora and pay for a seat, I would rather you save the money for the commute and have you contribute to your local community theatre group. As proud as I am of my local venue, it is far from a unique establishment. Far too few members of any community are aware of what their local community theatre group offers or even that they exist at all. If my words have moved you to experience a community theatre play, please do so locally and please bring a friend.

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