Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Best of The Shafted Nation: Back Issue #1(b)

The Shafted Nation: Primer
Welcome to The Shafted Nation, Patriots!

I am a proud patriot of a powerful nation with a long history freedom and equality for all. My question is: Has that history come to an end? The shafted nation will chronicle a noble nation’s reckless decent down the slippery slope of social injustice and political callousness. We are free citizens of a great nation whose greatness is under relentless assault from within and without.

Though many reap the benefits of America’s immense bounty and have escaped the wrath of those who wish to tear her down, the rest of us have been shafted. The immorality of the few is imposed on the majority, those whose only true purpose is to protect us zealously harvest the fruits of our labor, and the silent majority rests in slumber, awaiting nothing, expecting nothing and standing for nothing.

Together we shall awaken the beast. Together we will explore the propaganda and mental programming forced upon us by the public school system and the media so that we can awaken from the hypnosis that chains our minds. Together we can resurrect that long dead and desperately needed savior that is common sense.

I have explored many formats in an attempt to find an entertaining and informative format that allows me to express my views and spark debate. This format will combine all previous formats (with the exception of my fiction novelette) and focus on the social, political, and cultural drama that is being played out throughout this great country. Proud as I am to be an American, we have a lot of work to do if we wish to feed its greatness and starve the carcinogenic elements within it that threaten the vitality of the nation as a whole.

I will answer your questions, I will discuss any news stories you would like insight into, and I will offer random observations of cultural significance or insignificance. America is a financial, cultural, and entrepreneurial gold mine, but the majority of us have gotten the shaft. As long as we dwell contently in that shaft, questioning nothing and accepting everything, we empower the powers-that-be to keep us there.

Welcome to The Shafted Nation, Patriots. Together we will shine the light and recover the greatness within. Ask me your questions, show me the stories that boil your blood, and we will make sense of it all, for we are Patriots!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the link....I joined as a follower of yours....I enjoy reading the stuff you write and have missed you. I do not disagree with you on anything...yet. So no discussions with me yet.
